Home MixBag 5 Things Only Your Roommate Understands

5 Things Only Your Roommate Understands


There are only a few people in the world who know how often you repeat your outfits- she has got to be one of them! She’s the keeper of all your secrets, your chuddy buddy and your best critique.

Here are 5 Things Only Your Roommate Understands:

1. That look on your face

That look on your face

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And Bingo- she says exactly what you need her to say!

2. Borrowing is how it works! You don’t own anything.Borrowing is how it works!

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Not even the Zara dress you bought after saving up for 2 months.

3. How your hair looks right out of a shower

How your hair looks right out of a shower

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Because we all are blessed with blow dried hair, right?

4. When you think you sound like Taylor Swift in the shower

Taylor Swift in the shower

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And she sings along only because she thinks she is Beyonce!
5. You fight over the same crush

Fight over the same crush

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But before either of you even try, he’s taken!

Strikes a cord? Why don’t you share this with your (ex)roomies and re-live those memories!

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